Kalle Pålsson

Mattias Karlsson

Joi Niklasson

Claes Francke

David Skoglund

Midlife Crisis plays guitarbased rock with influences from the english seventies rock and the punk rock scene in the 90´ties.  All the songs tells a story from the different band members lifes and together with melodic tunes they manage to create a show that should be experienced live or "alone with a boner and a glass of gin" -  as one of the songs states. The band originates from all over Sweden and comes together every week in a barn to play among the haystacks. Every year the band arranges a local festival called Westfield Rock Festival that started 10 years ago with the purpose to let different bands have a chance to play live music.  The actual reason though,  was to land their own first gig in front of live audience.
In the lyrics you usually find connections to politics, sex, alcohol and football and everyday things that astonish the composers -  that might explain the band name Midlife Crisis.

The number of covers has declined during the years and the band take pride in the fact that the set list contains 99% own material. The band has initiated a cooperation with Melody Music to record their first songs.